

About Me

I graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1997 and received my Ph.D. from Osaka City University in 2004. I began my career as a software engineer at a small startup. In 2007, I joined OMRON Corporation, where I have spent nine years developing various computer vision technologies for mobile applications. In 2016, I established my own company, tiwaki Co., Ltd. To learn more about me, please check my posts on this website written in English, Chinese or Japanese.



As an engineer, I developed the world's first commercial facial beautifier application for digital cameras and mobile phones in 2007, prior to the release of the first generation of the iPhone. Currently, I hold over 50 patents including granted patents and patent applications in progress. 1 A few of my patents can be found here.


I am working on problems related to computer vision and machine learning. My research interests include saliency detection, object detection, visual retrieval and more. I serve as reviewer for many top tier journals and conferences such as TPAMI, TIP, CVPR and ICCV, and others. I maintain the well-known saliency detection dataset DUT-OMRON and DUTS. Additionally, I am the author of the python implementation of Manifold Ranking Saliency algorithm. You can find my work on Google Scholar and DBLP.


I embarked on a new adventure in my career as an entrepreneur in 2016. Running a startup is never easy, but I relish the challenge and am constantly learning something new.

Life @life

一些人走了 musicnovel

还是忍不住写点儿什么。 2024年到了临了,琼瑶走了,刘元也走了。





乐夏3来袭 music






再把话题往回拉,直接聊乐夏3刚过去的第一集吧。 先说超级乐迷

  • 高叶:因为看了狂飙才知道这个演员。不太了解。从她说话的范儿来看,像是喜欢摇滚乐的女孩(当然乐夏不是只有摇滚乐)
  • 张亚东:没毛病,虽然太闷骚。
  • 彭磊:咋说呢?从他第一集的表现可以告诉我们一件事,生活中的贫嘴毒舌和能在镜头前口吐莲花是两回事儿。当然,他刚到这个角色位置,还没玩明白也是有可能,可以继续看下去。
  • 那英:话题人物。估计录制的时候,刀郎的歌还没出,她还没被骂上热搜,但是节目播出的当下,她正好在风口浪尖儿上,对她的心理承受力也确实是个考验。我挺喜欢那英的,不太明白为什么那么多人讨厌她。很多人说她不懂乐队,而且不会作词作曲制作,压根儿不是音乐人,凭什么做超级乐迷。这角色又不是评委,叫”乐迷”,而且投票权也和普通观众一样,为啥做不得?甭管多讨厌她,那英唱歌在全球华语女歌手里也是头几名。她连个乐迷都做不了?这也太刻薄了。另外,总有人拿她和田震比,我觉得,单论唱歌,她比田震要强太多了,根本不是一个量级的选手。黑们就少说两句吧。
  • 大张伟:当然,不管超级乐迷都有谁,如果没有大张伟,这个节目可看性就去掉了50%。大张伟基本上包揽了这个节目乐队唱歌以外的所有看点。这孩子真的是人精,用生命朋克着的摇滚人。我对他的喜爱毫不掩饰,也因此经常被朋友嘲笑。他和马东正好配对,一唱一和,可以给这个节目定基调,也可以给这个节目上档次,当然前提是你得听得懂他说话的弦外之音。说他说话有弦外之音,并不是说大张伟说话说一半儿留一半儿,或者故意打着什么隐喻。而是他说话的边界感很强,虽然看上去口不择言,直接尖锐,但是他清楚地知道话头从那里起,在那里收住,可以不给节目带来麻烦,也不给对话者带来困扰。他说话没有什么话术,想到什么说什么,但是不会给他人找麻烦。这样的人,不要说娱乐圈,生活中都很少。我们总是夸奖那些所谓心直口快的人,但是常常忘记,心直口快和礼貌,善意是不矛盾的。总是说摇滚乐要be real,但是没有礼貌和善意的real,根本一文不值。大张伟在这个节目可以做照妖镜,看看那些人是real的real,那些人是不那么real的real。


  • 新学校废物合唱团:东北朋克教父的歌,我挺喜欢的。简单,旋律上口,歌词给力,这就是朋克,就是摇滚。
  • 橘子海:夏日漱石这个歌名是整首歌里唯一出现汉字的地方。听着还不错,不过我个人不太理解为什么一定要用英文写歌,作为听众没觉得写英文词有什么特别的必要性。
  • Mr.Miss:这个组合拉跨的是主唱,那个自觉很明星的刘恋。他们做的歌挺好,但是刘恋唱歌真的没有爵士味道。再加上她因为一些综艺,成了有知名度的明星,举手投足总是一股子我风情万种的样子,让人很出戏。不知道别人怎么看,我希望看到的爵士乐是更自由,随意没有设计和接地气的东西。
  • 柏林护士:我心里第一集中最好的乐队。没什么好说的,就是很rock
  • 康士坦的变化球:这乐队是乐夏今年要重点推的乐队吗?真的是给了他们足够长时间的PR。大家都在夸他们的歌如何感人,为什么我不是太能感同身受的?我能理解这首歌表达的情绪,事实上歌名已经直接给出来了:美好的事可不可以发生在我身上。但是这种表达总显得有点自怜自艾,堵在一个情绪点里走不出来,又不呐喊,仿佛一个人偷偷掉眼泪,然后叫大家一起来合伙悲伤一下。至少这样的歌不是我喜欢听到的那种摇滚乐。
  • 虎啸春:歌没怎么记住,就看他的乐手去一位一位得拥抱超级乐迷。然后还看到超级乐迷们感动。不知道这情绪是哪儿来的,可能是因为不在现场的缘故,所以感染不到我。反正这些都和他们的歌没一毛钱关系。
  • Nova Heart:被疯狂称颂的乐队,尤其是主唱的大飒妞。歌是真不错,大飒妞也是唱得真好,不过我更喜欢柏林护士。呵呵


最近看的一些电影电视剧 moviesdrama


  • 流浪地球2




  • 满江红




  • 宇宙探索俱乐部






  • 狂飙

    很棒的电视剧,比从前的人民名义强多得多。 一边看我一边在想一个问题,这片子是怎么过审的?后来想明白了,因为编剧很狡猾。


  • 漫长的季节

    这十几年来看过的最讲究的大陆电视剧,没有之一。 辛爽作为摇滚乐手出身,光配乐一项就已经碾压似的强过了大部分大陆电视剧导演。





还是有关于吵架 :-) argue






有关于吵架 argue





吵架这事儿也许伤身,但是一定醒脑。– Xiang Ruan

My new personal website website

Here comes my new website! I will explain this new website in details soon.



Tech @tech

Wrote a small script to do OCR of PDF files emacsdwimbashtersercatimagemagickdebianOCR

I've just created a script using Tersercat for OCR on PDF or image files. Since Tesseract cannot directly handle PDF files, I employ ImageMagick to convert them into PNGs before proceeding with OCR. For multi-page PDFs, the script converts each page into a separate PNG and processes them individually, consolidating the results into a single file with “==== New Page [page name] =” marking the separation between pages.

The script offers four options:

  • `-h`, `–help` : Displays the help message
  • `-r <resolution>` : Sets the resolution for PDF conversion, defaulting to 300 DPI
  • `-l <language>` : Specifies the OCR language, defaulting to English; refer to Tesseract for available languages
  • `-p`, `–prompt` : Prompts the user before overwriting an existing output file; without this option, the script automatically overwrites the file

# Set default values

# Function to check and install required software
check_and_install() {
    if ! command -v "$1" &> /dev/null; then
        echo "Error: $1 is not installed."
        echo "Install using: sudo apt-get install $1"
        exit 1

check_and_install convert
check_and_install tesseract

# Function to handle potential errors and cleanup
handle_error() {
    rm -f "$OUTPUT_IMAGE_PREFIX"*.png 2>/dev/null
    exit 1

# Help function
help_message() {
    echo "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] <input_pdf> [output_txt]"
    echo "  Options:"
    echo "    -h, --help           Display this help message"
    echo "    -r <resolution>      Specify resolution for conversion (default: $DEFAULT_RESOLUTION DPI)"
    echo "    -l <language>        Specify OCR language (default: $DEFAULT_LANGUAGE)"
    echo "    -p, --prompt         Ask user if overwrite existed output file"
    exit 0

# Parse options
while getopts ":r:l:h:p" opt; do
    case $opt in
        r) RESOLUTION="$OPTARG";;
        l) LANGUAGE="$OPTARG";;
        h) help_message; exit 0;;
        p) OVERWRITE=0;;
        \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG"; handle_error;;

shift $((OPTIND - 1))

if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then
    # echo "Error: Please specify an input PDF file."
    echo "Error: Please specify an input image file."


if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then

if [ "$OVERWRITE" -eq 0 -a -f "$OUTPUT_TEXT" ]; then
    echo "$OUTPUT_TEXT already exists, overwrite it? (yes/no): "
    read answer
    case "$answer" in
            rm "$OUTPUT_TEXT" 2>/dev/null
            exit 1


if [ ! -f "$INPUT_FILE" ]; then
    echo "Error: Input file not found: $INPUT_FILE"
    exit 1

# Use the file command to determine the file type
file_type=$(file -b --mime-type "$INPUT_FILE")

if [ "$file_type" == "application/pdf" ]; then
    convert -density "$RESOLUTION" "$INPUT_FILE" "$OUTPUT_IMAGE_PREFIX"-%04d.png 2>/dev/null || handle_error
    for img in "$OUTPUT_IMAGE_PREFIX"*.png; do
        echo "converting new page.."
        tesseract "$img" "$OUTPUT_PAGE_TEXT" -l "$LANGUAGE" 2>/dev/null || handle_error
        echo "================" >> "$OUTPUT_TEXT"
        echo "== Page $page ==" >> "$OUTPUT_TEXT"
        echo "================" >> "$OUTPUT_TEXT"
        cat "$OUTPUT_PAGE_TEXT".txt >> "$OUTPUT_TEXT"
        rm -f "$OUTPUT_PAGE_TEXT".txt
    rm -f "$OUTPUT_IMAGE_PREFIX"*.png 2>/dev/null
    tesseract "$INPUT_FILE" "${OUTPUT_TEXT%.*}" -l "$LANGUAGE" 2>/dev/null || handle_error

echo "OCR completed successfully. Output in $OUTPUT_TEXT"

I uploaded the script to my github repository

Maintaining emacs configuration by org-babel emacsorgbabel

My .emacs file has more than 2500 lines, making it increasingly difficult to maintain. At the same time, I frequently update my .emacs for two main reasons:

  • There are new modes that I really want to use (Emacs enthusiasts will know what I mean)
  • I need to modify my .emacs configuration to fix bugs caused by the latest Emacs update.

Finally, I have decided to find a smarter way to maintain my .emacs file. My solution is to use org mode with org-babel.

Babel is an org mode extension that allows org to execute source code within an Org document. It is a powerful and helpful tool for writing articles with source code snippets. Org-babel also provides a “tangle” function which links source code blocks in the Org document to external files. This linkage is bi-directional, meaning that updating the source code in a block in the Org document can easily tangle to the external source code files, and updates made to the source code file can also be easily reflected back in the source code block in the Org document it is linked to. Using the tangle function of babel, I can maintain the contents of my .emacs file in Org format and use org-tangle to automatically generate the .emacs file.

For exampale, let's say I have an Org file as given below:

* Load Paths
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle dot_emacs.el :comments link
  ;; Latest Org mode source code
  (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/org-mode/lisp")
  ;; mpvi
  (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/mpvi/")
* General Settings
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle dot_emacs.el :comments link

  ;; General Settings
  (setq warning-minimum-level :emergency)

  (set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8)

  ;; preferred apprarence settings
  (size-indication-mode 1)
  (scroll-bar-mode 0)
  (menu-bar-mode 0)
  (display-battery-mode 1)
  (display-time-mode t)
  (display-line-numbers-mode 1)
* Make Emacs beautiful and east to use
** Lin mode
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle dot_emacs.el :comments link

  ;; lin setting
  (require 'lin)
  (setq lin-face 'lin-blue) ; check doc string for alternative styles
  ;; You can use this to live update the face:
  ;; (customize-set-variable 'lin-face 'lin-green)
  (setq lin-mode-hooks
** Pulsar mode
Pulsar mode is .........
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle dot_emacs.el :comments link

  ;; pulsar: hightlight current line
  (require 'pulsar)

  (setq pulsar-pulse-functions

  (setq pulsar-pulse-on-window-change t)
  (setq pulsar-pulse t)
  (setq pulsar-delay 0.1)
  (setq pulsar-iterations 10)
  (setq pulsar-face 'pulsar-red)
  (setq pulsar-highlight-face 'pulsar-yellow)

  (pulsar-global-mode 1)

  ;; OR use the local mode for select mode hooks

  (dolist (hook '(org-mode-hook emacs-lisp-mode-hook))
    (add-hook hook #'pulsar-mode))

This Org file has three headings: “Load Paths”, “General Settings”, and “Make Emacs Beautiful and Easy to Use”. I placed all of the load-paths under the “Load Paths” heading, and some general settings under the “General Settings” heading. For modes that modify Emacs’ default interfaces or make Emacs more convenient to use, I placed their configurations under the “Make Emacs Beautiful and Easy to Use” heading. You can certainly add any heading you like, such as a “Coding” heading for modes related to programming. The contents you want to include in .emacs can be well organized using Org.

In the above sample Org file, there is a property in every source code block.

:tangle dot_emacs.el :comments link

This directs org-babel to extract the current source code block and save it to an external file named dot_emacs.el. Since all the source code blocks in the previous Org file are being saved to the same dot_emacs.el file, when Org executes the tangle command, all these source code blocks will be automatically included in the dot_emacs.el file. To tangle the source code, simply

M-x org-babel-tangle

Then, there should be a dot_emacs.el file in the same folder as the Org file. It is something like

;; [[*Load Paths][Load Paths:1]]
;; Latest Org mode source code
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/org-mode/lisp")
;; mpvi
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/mpvi/")
;; Load Paths:1 ends here

;; [[*General Settings][General Settings:1]]
;; General Settings
(setq warning-minimum-level :emergency)

(set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8)

;; preferred apprarence settings
(size-indication-mode 1)
(scroll-bar-mode 0)
(menu-bar-mode 0)
(display-battery-mode 1)
(display-time-mode t)
(display-line-numbers-mode 1)
;; General Settings:1 ends here

;; [[*Lin mode][Lin mode:1]]
;; lin setting
(require 'lin)
(setq lin-face 'lin-blue) ; check doc string for alternative styles
;; You can use this to live update the face:
;; (customize-set-variable 'lin-face 'lin-green)
(setq lin-mode-hooks
;; Lin mode:1 ends here

;; [[*Pulsar mode][Pulsar mode:1]]
;; pulsar: hightlight current line
(require 'pulsar)

(setq pulsar-pulse-functions

(setq pulsar-pulse-on-window-change t)
(setq pulsar-pulse t)
(setq pulsar-delay 0.1)
(setq pulsar-iterations 10)
(setq pulsar-face 'pulsar-red)
(setq pulsar-highlight-face 'pulsar-yellow)

(pulsar-global-mode 1)

;; OR use the local mode for select mode hooks

(dolist (hook '(org-mode-hook emacs-lisp-mode-hook))
  (add-hook hook #'pulsar-mode))
;; Pulsar mode:1 ends here

By doing this, maintaining my .emacs becomes really easy. :-)

Put some of my personal Emacs tools on github emacsgithubdwimchatgpt

I have just uploaded some of my personal Emacs tools on GitHub and made them public.

This repository includes some of my Lisp tools that I use in my everyday work. All these tools are very personal, which means that I may not provide detailed support, and they may have bugs. Additionally, since they are designed for my personal use, the interface or usage may not be user-friendly, making it difficult for some people to use them.

However, I am sharing these tools for those who have a similar working style to mine. It would be highly appreciated if you download these tools, and even more so if you provide feedback for any improvements.

I will continue to upload my tools to the repository, and I also hope that people will share their personal tools with me as well. :-)

Automatically update org-agenda-files emacsorgagenda

I heavily rely on org mode for my daily schedule, project management, personal learning, paper/book reading, and all forms of writing. One of the crucial aspects of my workflow is using org-agenda to gather my schedules, to-dos, and appointments from all the org files in my working folder. This function has significantly improved my efficiency.

However, org-agenda does not automatically update the file list for aggregation. For instance, if you set org-agenda-file to monitor a folder such as $HOME/Org/Work, org-agenda fails to add a new org file under $HOME/Org/Work to its file list unless you manually update org-agenda-file by evaluating the command

(setq org-agenda-file '(xxx xxx xxx))


To solve the problem, I first try to get help by using filenotify mode. The plan is to utilize the file-notify-add-watch function of filenotify to monitor files or folders for org-agenda's aggregation. Whenever there is any change, it will automatically re-evaluate org-agenda-file. After doing some research, I wrote a script similar to this.

(require 'filenotify)
(defun my-notify-callback(event)
  (setq org-agenda-files (append
 "path_to_folder" '(change attribute-change) 'my-notify-callback)

I believe this is the best solution for my problem. However, it appears that it is not working as expected, and I am unsure why. Despite my attempts at debugging and searching for solutions on Google, I have had no luck so far.

Thus, I opted for another method. I added a hook function that evaluates org-agenda-file to the org-agenda-mode-hook. The code is straightforward:

(defun my-set-agenda-files()
  (setq org-agenda-files (append
(add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook 'my-set-agenda-files)

The Org-agenda-mode-hook is activated before org-agenda is executed, meaning that Emacs will evaluate org-agenda-files every time org-agenda is invoked or restarted. While this solution may not be perfect, especially for those with a large number of org files in the watched folder, it works for my needs. Additionally, since I do not have a large number of org files in my working folders, the potential slow down issue is not a concern for me.

Note: org-agenda-files does not monitor all the org files within a specific folder. I am not sure where the problem lies, but it seems like org-agenda only gathers the org files directly within the folder specified and does not look up files recursively. To resolve this issue, you can specify the folder as follows:

(setq org-agenda-files (append
                        (directory-files-recursively "path_to_folder" "\\`[^.].*\\.org\\'")

The function directory=files-recursively is the solution. :-)

Writing slides with Webslides under Emacs emacswebslides

In my line of work, writing slides for different purposes is a regular task. To ensure seamless work without leaving Emacs, I typically use org mode to create my slides and then present directly via org-tree-slide or export the org file to beamer. These methods work well for most of my presentations as the slides turn out simple and visually appealing. However, for more complex presentations that require multimedia such as embedded videos, large background images, animations, like those created in PowerPoint, additional steps may be necessary.

I do not wish to use PowerPoint as it is not available on Linux. While there are alternatives such as LibreOffice, WPS, and online document services like Google Sheets, I prefer to write my slides in Emacs using text.

There is an Org exporter called “org-reveal” available on GitHub that helps users write Org files and export them to reveal.js files. If you are unfamiliar with reveal.js, please visit the official website ( for more information. Simply put, reveal.js is a framework for creating HTML-based presentations. It is a powerful tool, and the slides produced by Reveal.js are visually stunning. However, I found org-reveal somewhat challenging to use. For simple slides, the process is quite straightforward; write an Org file and export it using org-reveal. Then, open the exported HTML in the browser to present the slides. However, to fully leverage Reveal.js's capabilities, you may need to customize your Org file using many “PROPERTIES.” Additionally, I found the layout definition of Reveal.js to be somewhat confusing. Of course, this is all subjective, and it could be that I simply do not have enough experience with Reveal.js or org-reveal. I'm sure there are many fans of org-reveal and Reveal.js out there; it's just not my favorite tool.

What I finally found is Webslides, an HTML-based presentation tool that is different from Reveal.js in that it is very easy to use. Here's how to use Webslides:

  1. Download the Webslides files (a zip file) from the top page of index.html of Webslides.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Start creating your slides by editing index.html under the root of the folder you just unzipped (or first rename the index.html to a new file name of your choosing).
  4. Open the file in a browser for presentation.
  5. Leverage Webslides’ capabilities by simply copying and pasting HTML source code from files under the “demos” folder (HTML files under the “demos” folder are documents of Webslides).
  6. After finishing your slide writing, you can delete the demo folder and other files under the static/image folder not used in your slides to make your slide folder clean.
  7. Repeat the above steps for other slides writing.

Editing HTML files under Emacs is fairly simple, particularly when utilizing the web-mode mode. To streamline the process of writing content instead of designing slides, I created several Yasnippet snippets to insert HTML clips specifically for webslides. Here is an example:

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: mywebslidesflexblock
# key: /mywebslidesflexblock
# --
<ul class="flexblock ${1:$$(yas-choose-value '("client" "client border" "steps" "features" "specs" "activity" "gallery" "metrics border" "plan blink"))}">



The code snippet is used to insert a Webslides flexblock into the website. As shown, I have included options for various flexblock properties to customize the appearance of the block. With the help of these snippets, creating Webslides presentations becomes effortless, as I can concentrate on the content while leaving the design and layout aspects up to the code. This ensures that my pages look visually appealing and are easy to navigate using Webslides.

I still want to use org mode to make my slides, and I am considering writing an Org exporter for Webslides. I am not sure if I will be able to create it, but if I do, it will be the perfect tool for writing slides for me!

Install debian on Matebook X Pro 2019 – old blog in 2019 debianmatebookpro

I wrote a blog post on my old website about installing Debian on the Matebook X Pro 2019 in 2019. Although it was written four years ago, I believe it is still relevant and helpful to some people today. I have now copied the post to my new website here, and while some of the information may be outdated, I have not made any updates. Please find the original blog post below

I recently purchased the Huawei Matebook X Pro, which I had been eyeing for a few weeks. While Apple is a great company with quality products, I had grown tired of their closed source OS and exclusive ecosystem. As a Linux user, I found myself spending the majority of my time on my Macbook Pro using open source software installed through iTerm and homebrew. What I truly desired was a laptop with a pure Linux operating system.

Unfortunately, Linux had serious power management issues in the past and Windows laptops could not compare to the beautifully designed Macbook. However, I am pleased to say that the power management issue has been resolved with current versions of Linux (see power management section below). And even more exciting, I finally found a laptop that exceeds the Macbook Pro in both design and hardware performance - the Huawei Matebook X Pro.

The laptop is stunning, as the image depicts.

Figure 1: Matebook X Pro 2019

Figure 1: Matebook X Pro 2019

With a price almost as same as the Macbook Pro (even slightly cheaper), its specifications are impressive.

display 13.9 inch touchscreen LTPS LCD
contrast 1500:1
resolution 3K: \(3000\times 2000\)
fingerprint yes
CPU Intel core i7 8550U
mem 16GB
graphics NVidia Geforce MX150, GDDR5 2GB
speaker Dolby Atoms surrounding speakers
battery 15.8 Hours(official)
interface USB-C X 2, USB-A X 1
weight 1.33kg
size 304mm X 217mm X 14.6

I won't delve into the details of how excellent the Matebook X Pro is since this memo is solely about installing Linux on the device and not a product review. There are numerous review articles available online for anyone interested. In my opinion, it's the best laptop in the market, surpassing even the Macbook Pro, and Huawei has truly outdone themselves!

For those interested, I've compiled a brief summary of my Linux (Debian 10) installation process on the Matebook X Pro below:

Debian installation

Follow the website to create a bootable USB using the Debian testing netinst ISO file. Restart your computer (press F12) to initiate the installation process. The only important thing to keep in mind, as mentioned on the website, is that the

  • Debian netinst ISO does not include the driver for the Intel wireless card of the Matebook Pro X. Therefore, you need to manually download the driver from and save the file in the newly created ‘firmware’ directory on the USB stick before installation.”

Applications and configures

  • google drive

    My everyday work heavily depends on Google Drive. Unfortunately, Google has not yet released a Linux version of Google Drive. (I am so disappointed with Google for this!) In Gnome, one can add their Google account to Gnome's online account to use Google Drive as local folders. However, it is not a syncing scheme, but rather an online mount by Google-Drive-ocamlfuse, which can be very slow in some situations, especially for large file transfers. There are several commercial Google Drive clients for Linux, but I have found that the best one for me is Insync.

  • display

    The Matebook X Pro features a HiDPI display with a resolution of \(3000\times 2000\), which can cause the default windows of many Linux applications to appear very small. Personally, I use Gnome as my desktop manager, which takes care of this issue by enlarging its applications with a certain scale. Unfortunately, I do not have a general solution for non-Gnome applications. However, for those using QT-based applications, you can follow the steps outlined on this website to modify the application's default resolution. To provide an example, I have created a script to launch Insync (my Google Drive client for Linux) with the adjusted resolution. Simply use this script instead of the original Insync command to start the application.

    QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=1 insync start
  • fingerprint

    The Matebook X Pro has a great fingerprint sensor, but unfortunately, Linux cannot recognize it. There are some people currently working on driving the fingerprint sensor for Linux, but the projects are still in progress. I hope this project will be officially released soon, as I personally don't need the fingerprint sensor for quick login, so this problem doesn't bother me.

  • power management

    Linux has suffered from not having good power management on laptop for a long time, however things seem have changed in recent years. TLP is a great power management tool for Linux that has dramatically improved the battery life of laptops, as reported on the internet (example report 1 , exmpale report 2)

    To use TLP, simply…

    sudo apt install tlp tlp-drw tlpui # tlpui is a python GUI for tlp.

    With TLP, in my case, a full charge can support at least up to 7 hours usage.

  • speaker

    The Matebook X Pro has a fantastic 4-speaker system that is supported by DOLBY Atmos. To use it with Linux, check out “Update 1” on this blog.

Build my own website by oxhugo+loveit+netlify netlifyoxhugohugoloveitemacsorg

I am constantly searching for a simple way to maintain and update my personal website. Here is what I would like to achieve:

  • Updating the website without having to leave Emacs
  • Writing all content in org mode
  • Managing versions of my source code
  • Creating a static website with no database or dynamic content generation
  • Enabling full-text search
  • Allowing comments
  • Including LaTeX equations, charts/figures, and multimedia through plain text, which automatically renders on my website
  • Designing a beautiful website

Essentially, all I need to do to maintain my website is write some text and save it. All other updating tasks should be automatically processed by a machine.

Some may believe this workflow impossible to achieve, but I have discovered some Emacs tools that fulfill most of the above functions. While none are flawless, they are still impressive and only require one more step to reach perfection.

Finally, I have found the solution. I can use hugo, oxhugo, and netlify. If you are reading this blog on my website, then you know how well this solution works.

Below, I summarize my setup for this workflow. There are numerous steps, and I do not describe them all in detail. However, if you have a basic understanding of Emacs, org-mode, and web applications, I believe this tutorial could be helpful. So let's get started.

Step 1: install hugo

Hugo is known as

The world’s fastest framework for building websites – Hogo official website

For those who may not be familiar with Hugo, please check out its official website for more details. In Debian, you can easily install Hugo by

sudo aptitude install hugo

To get started using Hugo, follow the steps outlined in its documentation

$> hugo new site quickstart # make new project
$> cd quickstart # go into project folder
$> git init # start git
$> git submodule add themes/ananke # add a theme
$> echo "theme = 'ananke'" >> config.toml # set theme name in config
$> hugo server # start a local hugo develop site

There are many themes available for Hugo at, allowing you to customize your project even further. You can edit the config.toml file to configure Hugo, but for more detailed information, please refer to the Hugo documentation.

Step 2: setup ox-hugo

I assume that you are familiar with Emacs and org mode, or at least you use Emacs for your daily work. If you are not an Emacs user, then this article may not be for you. :-(

ox-hugo is an org exporter that exports org files to Hugo markdown files. To install ox-hugo, use package-install and add the following to your .emacs file:

(require 'ox-hugo)

Then you will be ready to go!

“Create a folder within your hugo project folder, such as ‘content-org’ or any name you prefer. There are two ways to write org files for Hugo: one post per file or one post per subtree. The latter is recommended by ox-hugo due to its flexible content exporting and use of inherited tags.

To facilitate exporting to Hugo, ox-hugo uses PROPERTIES in the org file to specify what and how to export to Hugo markdown files. Here are some examples:

:export_file_name: index
:export_date: 2023-04-04

I created Yasnippet snippets to simplify the process of writing these properties, but you can also create your own to make your life easier.

If you want to add shortcode for theme in ox-hugo, check ox-hugo's shortcode document.

For a detailed usage guide of Ox-Hugo, please refer to its official website.

Step 3: setup theme of hugo

Setting up a Hugo theme may be the most important step in creating a website. There are many themes available on Hugo's theme website, and you can select any theme you like. However, it's important to note that a configuration for a specific theme may not work well for another. Therefore, it's important to carefully choose a theme before publishing your website to avoid problems when transferring themes.

I choose LoveIt theme for my website, which I think it is simple and beautiful. I believe you can also find theme you like most. Most themes have very detailed configure document. The simplest way to make your own config file is to copy theme's example config file and modify it.

  • Shortcode To embed equations or multimedia in you website, shortcode is what you have to check. It is very easy to add chortcode in Loveit, check here for details

  • Search I believe that the most important function for a static website is the full-text search. Most themes can add a search function by using online search services such as Lunr or Algolia. In my opinion, Lunr is easier to use than Algolia because it can be used locally without uploading an index file to its website, on the other hand, one has to upload an index file to Algolia to keep the search index updated. However, the downside of Lunr is that it cannot search CJK characters well, which prevented me from using it on my website. Instead, I use Algolia for my search backend.

    Fortunately, as I will mention later, if you host your website on Netfily like I do, the Algolia plugin for Netfily will take care of uploading the index for you, making use Algolia as simple as Lunr.

    I will come back to this topic on how to configure Algolia in Hugo in the next section of Netlify.

Step 4: setup website hosting

The final step in building your website is to select a website hosting service. Since we are discussing building a website using Hugo, the chosen website hosting service should be Hugo-focused. Currently, I believe Netlify is one of the best website hosting services for a Hugo-based website.

Go to Netlify and sign up for an account. Once you've signed up, log in to your account and select a plan. For a simple personal webpage like mine, which doesn't involve large file transfers, I recommend choosing the free starter plan, as it should provide everything you need.

Under the personal account page, one can set up website hosting by clicking on “Add new site”. As the website source code is hosted on the Git server, the best way to add a new site to Netlify is by “Importing an existing project”. You can then choose the Git server where the source code is located. Follow Netlify's instructions and select the repository of the website's source code and other settings. After site settings, the next step is to link your domain to Netlify. This can be done easily by following Netlify's instructions. If you don't have your own domain, you can access your website through Netlify's subdomain with a URL like “” where “accountname” is the site name of your web hosting on Netlify that was set during site setting. It's recommended to set up an SSL/TLS certificate for your website if your domain already has one.

To ensure that the domain is fully functional for web hosting, it is necessary to verify that the DNS settings have been updated on your domain management service with the NDS servers recommended by Netfily. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the ‘baseURL’ parameter in the ‘config.toml’ file of Hugo is correctly set to your domain address.

If you also host your domain's email on a domain service like Google Domain, you have to migrate the email DNS record to Netlify, or else your email system may crash. For a complete migration to Netlify, follow the steps outlined by this website and this website:

  • Access your Netlify account page's “Domain” setting and add a new DNS record.
  • Go to your current domain service website, such as Google Domain. In the DNS settings under “Google Workspace” and “Default name servers,” you will see DNS records like MX, SPF, and TXT.
  • Refer to the information above, return to your Netlify account, and add the new DNS records for MX, SPF, and TXT one by one.
  • After adding email DNS records, it's time to set the domain pointing to Netlify. In the DNS settings of Google Domain, activate “Custom name servers,” then add Netlify's name servers, found on the “Name server” list in the “Domain” setting on Netlify.
  • Add your domain as the primary domain in the “Domain” setting on Netlify.
  • Finished. The setting may take time to take effect, usually 10 minutes to a few hours, although Google claims it can take up to 48 hours to change.”

Step 5: add search fuction

Here comes the last configuration - to me, the most important function needed by my website: searching. As I mentioned in the last section, I use Algolia service for search. Regardless of the service you use, Lunr or Algolia, the basic steps to add a search function to Hugo are the same. Go to the service website, sign up for an account, log in to the service, retrieve your service's API information such as appID and API token, and configure the config.toml of Hugo to enable connection with the service via its web API.

Since I mentioned that using Algolia requires uploading an index file whenever the content to be indexed is updated, it is possible to create a script for automation to avoid having to do it manually. However, the best solution is to use Algolia's Netlify plugin, which automatically uploads the index file to Algolia as soon as the website on Netlify is updated.

Thus, adding a search function using Algolia involves the following steps:

  • Signing up for an Algolia account and logging in
  • Following the tutorial on how to add a crawler for Netlify on the Algolia website
  • Editing the config.toml file to add Algolia parameters The format of the configuration may depend on the Hugo theme being used. Refer to the theme's documentation to find out how to configure search parameters. In my case, I use LoveIt theme, the basic configuration may look like the following.
      enable = true
      type = "algolia"
      contentLength = 4000
      placeholder = "search my website"
      maxResultLength = 10
      snippetLength = 30
      highlightTag = "em"
      absoluteURL = false
      index = "indexname"
      appID = "ID"
      searchKey = "xxxxxxx"
      siteID = "xxxxx"

    Where “index” refers to the name of your Algolia indexing, which can be found on the “Crawler Netfily” application setting page on Algolia. “appID” is the ID of the “Crawler Netfily” application, “searchKey” is the “Search-Only API Key” for “Crawler Netfily”, and “siteID” is the “Site ID” of the Netfily web hosting. You can find the “Site ID” in the “Site Details” section of the site settings on Netfily.


Great news! The website construction is now complete. Here's how you can post new content or add a new blog post to your website:

  1. Open the org file, which is the source for your website. Write your content along with the necessary properties for ox-hugo.
  2. Use the keybinding “C-e H” to export your content to a Hugo md file using the ox-hugo exporter of org mode.
  3. Commit the new content to git and push it to your hosting git repository.
  4. That's it! Your website will be updated in a few seconds, and Algolia will also update its index for you.


  • If the website is hosted on Netlify, you don't need to push the “public” folder to the Git server as Netlify will compile the md files and generate static HTML files for you. It's recommended to add ‘public’ to .gitignore. When using ‘hugo server’ to preview changes on your local machine, Hugo will generate HTML files under the ‘public’ folder. Ignoring it in Git is a good idea.
  • I didn't do this, but it's possible to add hook functions to make the process from ox-hugo exporting to Git commit and push fully automatic. This could simplify the workflow: edit the org file, save it, and you're done!
  • Using Yasnippet snippets can make adding properties to org files very simple.
  • Learn to use shortcodes in org files to make the website more beautiful and functional with multimedia. There are various methods to directly handle shortcodes in ox-hugo's org file. Consider the example given below:
    • Firstly, add a header to the org file:
      #+HUGO_PAIRED_SHORTCODES: admonition
    • Then, you can add the admonition shortcode in the org file as follows:
      #+begin_admonition :type tip :title: "Note:" :open open
        This is my tip.
    • You can use the above steps to include other shortcodes. In the code above, “type”, “title,” and “open” are parameters of the admonition shortcode.
    • For more details, please refer to this website and this website.
  • Enabling comments on the website is easy using comments services like Disqus or Gtalk. Please check LoveIt's documentation for details.
  • To easily add a new post, you can configure an org template and add your website source org file to the re-file target. Then, you are able to start writing a post anywhere within Emacs. After writing, simply submit the template or refile it to the website source code. However, I haven't done this yet. :-)

  1. Global patent in different country areas are counted respectively ↩︎