Xiang Ruan - 阮翔 Website

Writing slides with Webslides under Emacs

In my line of work, writing slides for different purposes is a regular task. To ensure seamless work without leaving Emacs, I typically use org mode to create my slides and then present directly via org-tree-slide or export the org file to beamer. These methods work well for most of my presentations as the slides turn out simple and visually appealing. However, for more complex presentations that require multimedia such as embedded videos, large background images, animations, like those created in PowerPoint, additional steps may be necessary.


今天和某日本客户(严格意思上不能叫客户,该叫什么我也不清楚,不过不重要),因为一些工作和合约上的问题面对面争吵了整整两个小时。两个小时说得自己口干舌燥,结果是正面的,我得到了想要的结果。 要说的不是这次争吵的内容,要说的是这两个小时里体会到的关于争吵的一些小感想。争吵这件事最要不得是在口舌上争胜负。这说起来有点奇怪,争吵不就是在嘴上较劲儿掰斥吗?其实不是。说到底之所以要争吵,都是有原因的,没人会为了要锻炼嘴皮子跑出去和人吵架。所以在争吵中不要忘记“初心”。如果你没在一场精疲力尽的争吵后实现自己要得到的结果,那么就是把对方说得哑口无言,或者像诸葛亮骂死王朗一样,用嘴皮子送对方上了西天,吵完了也不会觉得自己获得胜利。拿不到想要的战利品的战争,就绝对不会是一场胜利的战争。道理显而易见。 所以如何守住自己的逻辑主线才是争吵的王道。今天的争吵里,有好几次,对方试图模糊焦点,腾挪了好几个不同论点,其中有一两个其实很尖锐,可以说我这方不能说完全占理。而在那种上头的情况下,会不自觉地要在每一个话题的口论中压倒对方,哪怕自己不占理。还好我中途感到有问题,及时止损,硬生生得将话题拉回来,放弃了在他方论点上的一较高下。之后对方一直试图从我的基本论点上跳出,但是我不管他说什么,就是不离开自己的基本盘。最后,对方开始进入沉默,无话可说,原因很简单,他知道没办法将我从我的话题阵地上引开到他可以大展手脚的题目上去。而在我的基本盘上,他原本是不占理的,所以既然我守住原阵地不动如山,他除了沉默就别无他法了。最终,争论的结果是我让他承认他原本不愿承认的事情。在这之前,在他几次强行跳转到的话题上,我是退让的。我可以让他赢一两个论点,我甚至接受他的一些指责,但是一定要死死得把他套在我需要在这场争论中最终赢得,而他原本不想给我结果那个话题,或者说逻辑主线上。因为这个才是自己口干舌燥要用两个小时时间来和他对峙的初心。 另外一个争吵中很重要的点是,千万不要上头。口舌之争,你来我往,很容易肾上腺飙升,最后眼红脖子粗。今天对方很显然有备而来,打印了一堆资料,一进房间,不等我开口就直接甩出他的第一个论点,而这个论点毫无意外得激怒了我,因为太胡搅蛮缠,并且罔顾事实。因此就直接引发了近10分钟的相互指责,各不相让。在这期间,我忽然反应过来,不对,这是对方的策略。虽然对方也看起来和我一样言语激烈,但是看得出来,他并没有像我一样真的愤怒。原因很简单,这本来就是他甩出来的话题,而且对我的指责也是在他设计好的路线上在你来我往。这就有趣了,我要聊的是A,而他一上来跳过B,开始谈C。他的战略很简单,在C上双方大刀挥动互砍一番,然后自然延伸到D,E,最后我自己估计都找不到路回到A。想到此,我忽然冷静了,声调降低,语速和语频也放缓,大部分时候在听他说,等他说完后,我慢条斯理得直接跳到A,仿佛刚才我被他激怒的事儿不存在一样。一转移到A,就感到他开始上头。他上头不是因为愤怒,而是因为他发现自己精心设计的作战战略被瓦解或者消弭了。说起来,冷静是争论里守住自己阵地的唯一办法。所有的争论,无论是有意还是无意,都是逻辑碰撞。只有心无杂念得守住自己的逻辑才能和别人硬碰硬。 吵架这事儿也许伤身,但是一定醒脑。– Xiang Ruan

Install debian on Matebook X Pro 2019 – old blog in 2019

Note I wrote a blog post on my old website about installing Debian on the Matebook X Pro 2019 in 2019. Although it was written four years ago, I believe it is still relevant and helpful to some people today. I have now copied the post to my new website here, and while some of the information may be outdated, I have not made any updates. Please find the original blog post below I recently purchased the Huawei Matebook X Pro, which I had been eyeing for a few weeks.

Build my own website by oxhugo+loveit+netlify

I am constantly searching for a simple way to maintain and update my personal website. Here is what I would like to achieve: Updating the website without having to leave Emacs Writing all content in org mode Managing versions of my source code Creating a static website with no database or dynamic content generation Enabling full-text search Allowing comments Including LaTeX equations, charts/figures, and multimedia through plain text, which automatically renders on my website Designing a beautiful website Essentially, all I need to do to maintain my website is write some text and save it.

My new personal website

Here comes my new website! I will explain this new website in details soon. 新しい個人ウェブサイトを立ち上げました!このサイトの構築について、後日に説明する予定です。 我的崭新个人网页开张了。过两天会更新一篇文章聊聊这个网站的制作。

About About Me I graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1997 and received my Ph.D. from Osaka City University in 2004. I began my career as a software engineer at a small startup. In 2007, I joined OMRON Corporation, where I have spent nine years developing various computer vision technologies for mobile applications. In 2016, I established my own company, tiwaki Co., Ltd. To learn more about me, please check my posts on this website written in English, Chinese or Japanese.